
Basic Tags


Remember: HTML tags are not sensitive to case.

Tip: Make HTML tags all lowercase.
HTML is not case-sensitive, which means that it doesn't matter whether you enter the text of your tags as all CAPITALS, all lowercase, or some funny cOmbiNAtiON. In other words, <TITLE> would work just as well as <title> or <Title> or even <tItLe>. Most experienced web authors prefer all lowercase, such as <title>, for various reasons.

Remember: HTML filenames are sensitive to case!
It is worth mentioning that HTML filenames actually are case-sensitive. Asking a server for a page named intro.html is not the same as asking for Intro.html.


Remember: Tags must be spelled correctly.

Tip: Check for misspelled tags.
HTML is sensitive to misspellings. If you accidently type <hed>, your browser will not understand that you meant to type <head>. People are much better at understanding that sort of mistake than a computer is! It is very easy to misspell when you type, so if your page is not doing what you expect, try checking for typos in your tags.

Try It: Try misspelling the <title> tag in your file. Reload to see what happens.
Browsers usually just ignore any tag they do not recognize. If the tag is a container tag, whatever is inside it is printed normally.
