

Form Elements

Remember: The <input> tag requires the type and name attributes.
Form elements provide a way for the user to enter information into a form. There are several kinds of elements, such as checkboxes, text fields, text areas, and more. Many of these are displayed with the <input> tag. The <input> tag is a stand-alone tag that represents one form element. It has many attributes but the two most important are type and name. The type attribute tells the browser what kind of form element to display. The name attribute is used by the page that receives the form information (the action URL) to identify the element.

Submit Button

Remember: The user clicks the submit button to send the form to the action URL.
One of the most common form elements is the submit button, which a user clicks to submit a form or cause some other action. It is an <input> tag with a type of "submit". The submit button has another important attribute called value which tells the browser the text to put onto the submit button.
Submit Button Example
<input type="submit" value="Send">
is displayed as:
