ICT4me is based on the Build IT curriculum implemented in the Girls Incorporated network of affiliates. The following journal articles capture the impact the Build IT curriculum has had on youth, after school educators, and organizations:
Krishnamurthi, A., Ballard, M., & Noam G. (2014, July). Examining the impact of afterschool STEM programs. A paper commissioned by the Noyce Foundation.
Koch, M. & Gorges, T. (2012). Inspiring girls and their female afterschool educators to pursue computer science careers. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology (4),3.
Koch, M., Gorges, T., & Penuel, W. (Fall 2012). Build IT: Scaling and sustaining an afterschool computer science program for girls. Afterschool Matters. Available online at http://www.niost.org/Afterschool-Matters/afterschool-matters-fall-2012.
Koch, M. & Penuel, W. (2010). Planning for scaling and sustaining afterschool STEM programs. Invited paper presented at the NSF ITEST Convening, St. Paul, MN.
Koch, M., Georges, A., Gorges, T., & Fujii, R. (2010). Engaging youth with STEM professionals in afterschool programs. Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal (13), 1. Available online at http://www.ncsu.edu/meridian/winter2010/koch/index.htm.
Koch, M., Penuel, W., Gorges, T., & Haertel, G. (2009), Shhh... Don't use the 'A' word: Embedded assessments of youth learning in informal learning environments. Assessment Informal Learning (AERA, 2009).
Koch, M., Penuel, W., Gorges T., & Haertel, G. (2009), Shhh... Don't use the 'A' word: Embedded assessments of youth learning in informal learning environments. Assessment Informal Learning (NARST, 2009).
Koch, M. (2009, February 27). Scaling Build IT: Year 1. Presented at ITEST 2009.
Kareem, Z., Warren, A., Koch, M., Penuel, W., Goreges, T., Muscella, D., Peterson, K., Manuel, K., Bean, S., Denner, J., & Martinez, J. (2008). Girls and information technology: Innovative approaches to narrowing the gender gap. Submitted as a symposium to AERA 2008. Committee on Scholars and Advocates for Gender Equity in Education (SAGE).
Koch, M., Gorges, T., & Penuel, W. (2008, March 27). Girls and information technology: Innovative approaches to narrowing the gender gap. Presented at AERA, 2008.
Koch, M., Gorges, T. & Penuel, W. (2008, March 27). Build IT. Presented at AERA, 2008.
Koch, M. & Gorges, T. (2008, February 6). Scaling Build IT. Presented at ITEST 2008.
Koch, M. (2008). Build IT Data Summary. Build IT flyer.
Koch, M. & Jacobs, P. (2007, September 7). Youth learning in summer programs. How summer programs can advance student learning. Presented at ITEST Webcast.
Koch, M. & Penuel, W. (2007). Build IT: Girls Developing Information Technology Fluency Through Design. Annual Report to National Science Foundation, 2007.
Koch, M. & Penuel, W. (2007). Build IT: Girls Developing Information Technology Fluency Through Design. Annual Report to National Science Foundation, 2007.
Koch, M. & Penuel, W. (2007). Designing for design learning. In CHI 2007 Conference Proceedings. Workshop on Converging on a Science of Design through the Synthesis of Design Methodologies. Reading, MA: ACM Press.
Koch, M. & Nemes, O. (2007). Teaching design to youth: An introduction to the design process. Girls Inc. Region III Conference in 2007.
Koch, M. & Nemes, O. (2007). Girls building information technology fluency through design. Introduction to Build IT workshop in 2007.
Koch, M. & Penuel, W.R. (2007 April). Designing for design learning. In CHI 2007 Conference Proceedings. Workshop on Converging on a Science of Design through the Synthesis of Design Methodologies. Reading, MA: ACM Press.
Koch, M. (2006, August). Build IT: Girls building information technology fluency through design. Annual Report, 2006.
Koch, M. (2006). Build IT Curriculum.
Koch, M. (2006). Girls building information technology fluency through design. Presented at Bay CHI Event, 2006.
Koch, M. (2006). Infusing IT/STEM skill standards in informal ITEST learning. Presented at ITEST Webcast, 2006.
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